The Reckoning Project and the Public Interest Journalism Lab at the Ukrainian House in Washington will screen documentaries about the Russian military invasion of Ukraine with a panel discussion featuring Natalie Humenyuk and The Washington Post's Christian Caril.
Executions, torture of prisoners, forcible removal of children, obstruction of evacuation,
shelling of civilians, hospitals, and infrastructure... During the 20 months of the invasion
the army of the Russian Federation committed almost all types of crimes mentioned in
the Geneva Conventions. The General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine has opened almost
110,000 proceedings related to war crimes. Ukraine demands the creation of a special
tribunal for the crime of aggression, which it calls ‘the mother of all crimes’.
When: 6 pm, November 3rd, Friday
Location: Ukraine House,2134 Kalorama RD NW Washington, D.C., 20008
RSVP: ukrainehousedc@gmail.com
We will screen three documentaries:
The Lost Paradise. Viktor Marunyak: About the capture, torture and liberation of the head of the occupied Zbur'iv community in the Kherson region.
The Hospital that Was Taken Hostage: About the work of the hospital in the front-line and later occupied Snigurivka, where part of the medical staff remained and continued to work.
The Mall Hit By a Rocket: About the Russian shelling of the Amstor shopping center with an Kh-22 rocket. In the large special material The Reckoning Project: Ukraine Testifies, we spoke with witnesses and victims of the rocket attack, those who were under the rubble of the burning shopping center.